Monday, August 04, 2008

New working Blog...

Don't fear the title of this blog, but I thought I would share what my plans are. I will continue to post technology and new technology interactions to this blog. But I am going to begin a at least once a week post to my blog area on PSU. The main audience of that blog will be Penn State Faculty. I plan on sharing mostly PSU tools there, but will share more eventually. Or share ideas to use a combination of tools with current tools for a better distribution of ideas, information, & communication.

I posted two or so weeks ago. I skipped last week, but I was on vacation and out of the office, but I did go back in today and posted something new. There is a movement to post something of importance once a day. With my audience defined and an idea of the information I would like to share, I think a post once a week to my audience is more realistic. I do not have time to read everyone else's blogs and I do not expect them to have the time in return if they were to begin to blog also. So, I think realisticly once a week is more in line. I will probably skim through my posts in this blog for ideas to share in the other weekly adventure.

I guess I am applying some i.d. in this project. My audience is defined as those faculty I work with, so I chose the technology, and I think once a week for two minutes is the quality amount of time I have with them, so that is my plan. Every Monday to post a blog introducing a technology or a creative use of technology or various technologies in the future.

So, I hope if you are blogging, you know your audience and you maintain a momentum!

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