Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Originally uploaded by kuljuls.
I am constant. Steve and I are constant. We have been this past year. I will always be here for him.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


A new site to post with your mobile to video, social networking, blog and more. Will post when I explore more.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Future Changes!

This space will be narrowed into strict work areas of interest and research. So, from now on you will only learn about the technology interests I have here.

Private blogging will be moved to another space, let me know if you are interested in the new location.

If you are interested, leave a comment. I will contact you and send you the new location.

For those who are reading this and trying to make problems, get a life and stop playing games out of your desperation. Just move on and accept the life choices you have made. They have been made and there is no taking them back. Folks have been hurt, and there is no changing, but you can make the change to stop hurting them more. So a little advice, stop playing the victim. You have made your bed, now you have to sleep in it.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Do Something Good While Online!

Go Check out and play the game. While you play the game 20 grains of rice are donated to people in need, while you increase your vocabulary.

Friday, April 11, 2008


I just stumbled across a new Video web site called Viddler. I am gonna check it out and see what it can or can not do. But there is a way to install an app into WordPress to add video comments to blogs, which is pretty Cool!!!

Check it out at

They do have a blog to follow to learn more about it as it grows.


I just thought I would post and share a new social networking site I stumbled upon. I forget what I was looking for, but I thought I would give it a try and it is as addictive as twitter. The site is On this site you can list your goals and blog about these goals. You can upload photos to go along with these goals and it is cool. You can tag these goals, then interact with others who have the same goals. So, it is cool, so check it out. You might connect with me, if you have the same goals.

I did not get any hits right away, but then after I published a few more goals I started getting hits and interactions. It is just a really cool site.

Have fun!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Test Flickr Video by Juls

Test Flickr Video by Juls
Originally uploaded by kuljuls
Well, I created, a not very good video, to test out the new flickr Video function. So, here you go, you can check it out. And lucky you, I did not video tape me doing my laundry. So, try recording 90 seconds or less of video to add to you flickr pro account!!!

Weight Loss Video Blog to check out

I just want to share a great video blog that is put out about once a week. It is a great blog to syndicate into your blog reader, like google reader, or your syndicator of choice. The Video Blog is by Un Starved and he put together a video blog once a week with weight loss and weight loss issues in the news. It is light funny, but true. Check it out at...

Monday, April 07, 2008

MTSU Flowering Trees on April 7, 2008

Well, I am here for my final night in Murfreesboro and reflecting upon my day here at the MTSU Instructional Technology Conference and I am amazed at how many folks are in the same shoes as I am. Looking and and reflecting upon Technology and how it can enhance learning. There was also thoughts on Millennial Students, but also Millennial Teachers. I think technologies will continue to change rapidly, but we will continue to fight to keep up. I also have many technologies to share. I will soon. When I look back upon all my notes. But tonight it was noted that the millennial students admit to knowing a mile wide of technologies, but admit to only knowing about an inch deep of the technologies (Berger).

I also have to share that the weather is beautiful here. Sunny and in the 70's. You can see in the photo. But you can also tell by the photo I am sharing. It is amazing that you come a few hours away and the weather is so different. So Beautiful!!!