Tuesday, November 13, 2007

new video site I came across

I am a fan of youTube, but I am working on a presentation for an upcoming conference, which has not been accepted yet, but I need to be prepared. I came across ustream.tv. I will be playing around with this and seeing what I can do with it. As I find uses, I will share.

The flip video is fun, but I have not been able to create a dvd from my footage on my own. So, I am a bit frustrated with it.

And I did receive my new digital camera, but it came damaged, so I returned it right away and am patiently waiting for a new one to arrive, which will be a few days now, because of the lovely holiday yesterday.

Oh, there is also a weird hoax phone call prank that has hit my office. It has also hit other offices here. Someone calls the main number of the office and starts talking to the person who answers it, like they are their mother. They proceed to talk about falling down the steps and breaking their nose. Then the conversation moves on to getting hurt in another place and they talk about going to emergency on their own. They kept the person who answered on the phone for some time. She was ready to leave and go to check on her son, as well as the others who have received the call. I looked online to see if this prank is listed anywhere, but found nothing so far. The folks who were targeted here were upset and concerned about their children. If you have any links to this prank or what kind of prank this was, just share.

Monday, November 05, 2007

kodak megapixel camera

kodak megapixel camera
Originally uploaded by kuljuls.
My new purchase. I have recently been looking at cameras and last night I came across this camera on QVC. And yes, I visited the site today and it was still available for a great price! It is a 12 megapixel camera and it has image stabilization. I do a lot of dancing and have been very upset that my current camera, an Olympus, can not capture movement without blurring and being gross. So, I am looking forward to testing this guy out. I was going to wait until spring and I hate purchasing something for myself so close to christmas, but I could not go wrong.

So, very soon I will be sharing pictures from a new camera both on my blog and in my flickr!!!